Sunday, 4 October 2015

Further Institutional Research.

Why do audiences consume music videos?

During 1960 it became obvious that audiences made choices about how and when they consumed media texts. Blumler and Katz expanded on this theory in 1974, suggesting a few reasons why audience members might consume certain media texts and not others:

Personal relationships - Using a media text for emotional and other interaction. For example, substituting soap operas for family life.
Diversion - Escape from everyday problems and routine.
Surveillance - Information gathering such as educational programmes, weather reports, financial news and holidays.
Personal identity - Constructing their own identity from characters in media texts and learning behaviour and values.

My music video will be about personal relationships so I can use Blumler and Katz theory for my music video. I have chosen to do my video based one personal relationships as I feel a lot of my target audience can relate to the situation shown in my video and it will interest them and keep them watching till the end to see what happens.

Blumler and Katz's theory is used widely by many institutions such as Bauer and ITunes. These institutions research what is popular and what they think people will be attracted to straight away.
An example of this at the minute is Sam Smith's new song which is going to be featured in the new James Bond film. This song has gotten so popular so quickly because the James Bond film has already got such a large active audience itself so as soon as artists are related or linked to the film in regards to the soundtrack they are automatically involved in that massive fan base. The same happened with 'Skyfall' by Adele released in 2012. 
This music advert has '007' in it, and I think this is done to attract the James Bond fan base. Also synergy from James Bond is used in this as you can see below James Bond is pictured in a white circle and Sam Smith is pictured above in a circle spot light. So yet again they're using techniques like duplicating the style James Bond adverts are styled to gain a similar fan base.

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